Day 3 Menindee

Day 3 Menindee
Today marks the last day of comfortable riding on sealed roads. By nightfall we will say farewell to the comfort of open hiways with all year access, so it would be wise to put as many miles behind us here. Lots of great things to look forward to today with a very special treat waiting for us. Our first stop will be the town of Menindee. 240klm should be an easy ride if we pack up early and leave Turlee Farm.

Dost Mohomat

Dost Mohomat
On the outgoing hiway from Menindee to Broken Hill, we will stop to pay our respects to one of the original hardworking men of the 1860 Burk and Wills Expedition. His name is Dost Mohomat. He was one of the camel handlers who came to Australia with the first camels to ever set foot on our soil and his job was to look after them for the expedition. After returning from Cooper creek and waiting for Burke and Wills for 4 months, Dost was injured by one of the camels and he lost the use of his arm. He stayed and worked in Menindee at a local bakery and died in 1881. He was buried at the exact spot he walked to every day to do his prayers. This is a special moment for our Burke and Wills journey, as we get to be with one of the real unsung heroes of the original expedition. We break for lunch here and open the first of our “Burke and Wills” bottles of wines we bought in Mia Mia and drink to the memory of Dost Mohomat and his dedication to the expedition.

Broken Hill Silverton

Broken Hill Silverton
It’s an easy ride on a sealed road as we do the last 140klm to Broken Hill and then Silverton. Why Silverton? I hear you ask. Silverton is home to Australia’s “ Mad Max Museum”. We are brothers in arms with the “Road Warriors” of Mad Max. How could any red blooded Australian get to within 20klm of the Museum in a once in a life time chance and NOT SEE IT? This will be a fine afternoon of taking pictures and meeting some locals.

Mad Max Museum

Mad Max Museum
Me and Datto did the screen test for the two bikers in Mad Max2, but sadly they gave the role to another couple of guys. Above is a picture of us during the original screen test.

Penrose Camping Silverton

Penrose Camping Silverton
While in Silverton seeing the Mad Max Museum, we'll stay across the road at " Penrose Park". It's a cheap night at $7 per camper and once we unpack and offload our gear, its time to walk over to the historic pub pictured here and enjoy a drink with the locals. This pub is over 100 years old and deserve respect. many films have featured this little country pub and many more to follow. I'm told they serve a famous Hotdog, and as a Hotdog "connoisseur", I want to put it to the test.

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